Saturday, January 21, 2012

Want to hear a dirty joke?

Want to hear a dirty joke?  My mostly white horse rolled in chicken poop!  

So those of you who are unfamiliar, chicken manure makes a great fertilizer.  Lucky for Triple H, they are a true working farm and they have chickens.  Lots and lots of chickens that make lots and lots of poop.  So for great spring grass they spread chicken manure on the fields a couple of weeks ago and Chief loved it.  He loved it so much, he rolled and rolled in it.  And chicken poop is sticky, so its not so easy to just brush off.  So after about 10-15 minutes of brushing, I was finally able to get saddled up.  I was thankful that this day was decidedly overcast and would most likely rain later.  The rain will clean him up!

This day Chief and I had some welcome company.  Double trouble A. and A. went riding with us on their horses Dandy and Kris.  I decided to show them my new version of the new trail.  Has it now become the new new trail?  Either way it was a good ride.  We did a little jumping, a little cantering, and a little jogging.
This is A. taking a cross country jump.  Though we ride western it is lots of fun to pretend to be cross country riders.  Pandora our other four legged trail mate joined us for this ride.  We took the short way home this day as we were short on time.  But it was a fun little ride.

Dandy is also a paint horse as you can tell from the picture and he and Chief have a little rivalry.  In the beginning, Dandy and Chief were pasture mates and they were forever picking on one another.  Every time I came up to see Chief he had a new bite or kick mark on him.  This is to be expected when new horses are finding their pecking order, but usually they settle it pretty quick.  Well Dandy and Chief could not settle their differences even after several months.  I like to think its because they fight over who's prettier.  So, I separated them.  Chief didn't need to be in the grain pasture anyways, he was getting awful fat.  So they were separated for some time but whenever we rode together they would always race one another up hills and what not.  One day, Chief was getting skinny so I had to put him back in the grain pasture.  I was so nervous to put them back together but this time around, they got along just fine.  I guess they just needed some time apart.  But this day on the trail was no different from other rides.  Chief couldn't let Dandy get too far ahead of him and vice versa.  This is kind of fun for me at least because there is always a little extra hop in Chief's step.  This also leads to dirt clods in the face while we race after one another.  But who cares, its lots of fun!  Til next time!


  1. Your post makes me jealous of my younger years when we had horses. I don't live in a scenic area now...Louisiana (swampland) so even if I had horses again, no where to ride. "Happy Trails!"

  2. Thanks for your post Tracie! You are never too old to ride and there are some good trails in Louisiana! Check out this site:, lots of great info on this site.
